The Lannisters would win if they were able to hold the line and prevent the Stark units to grab those objectives, of course they didn't know which ones were actually important so they had to defend all if possible.
This particular battle was also heavy on infantry with but a couple of cavalry units on each side so it would prove difficult for the attacking Stark to achieve victory unless the army pushed hard and didn't let itself be bogged down in too much fighting. The battle itself was a grind on the left and right flank as the more vulnerable elements of both armies clashed.
The center filled with high quality (but terribly slow) units moved towards each other but saw limited combat. The Lannister cavalry led by Adam Marbrand made an early dash to the right with the hopes of hitting a weak flank before the units of Stark regrouped. The attack saw little success and got repelled. On the left flank skirmishes were fought between Stark and Lannister units with Stark getting the upper hand. Not even the presence of Ser Gregor Clegane and his heavy infantry could turn the odds and the Lannisters were cut to pieces.
Time was running out and some Stark units made a leap forward hoping to grab those precious objectives, but the Lannister units that remained, among them a couple of really rag tag units down to their last man, managed to hold off the attackers and the battle ended a Lannister victory despite heavy losses and one captured commander.
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