Friday, August 9, 2013

Apandopoeia and the feisty female

Feisty Woman might as well call herself Feisty Crackwhore or Feisty Meth Head because her attacks on the androsphere's "royal elite" are so observably toothless:
Being a fool and being politically-minded and curious about these manosphere commandeers, and with innocent kindred spirit, I approached a couple of these manosphere armchair generals on Twitter and ended up cutting off my own nose to spite my own face. I had the gumption to ask these self-proclaimed manosphere gods why they tend to frown upon women who are intelligent, based on this assessment I took on a very popular manosphere blog. Before I’d gotten any type of response from the manosphere-elect royal elite, a seemingly normal, well-adjusted non-manosphere supporting gentleman chimed in first:
In a nutshell, there you have it. I could very well end this blog post here because the answer is right there in blood, written in stone by a man, no less. The manosphere is indeed as I suspected, a cockroach halfway house for discarded males who are threatened by intelligence of the female variety and have an irrational fear of amassing shriveled testicles.

But I can’t end it here, people. It gets much better.

Soon after violently shaking the manosphere tree at the root, from atop leaked this gem of machismo volcanic diarrhea:
I felt obligated to give him a pass. All I could do was offer an apology out of clemency that any swipe he could take at a woman, who happened to be me in the wrong place at the right time, was motivation to feed his unfillable ego. All I could do was feel sad for him and implore that the manosphere gods send him a woman to love. One that he could sleep with to his heart and dick’s content because if he did, he wouldn’t be living out his days being such a pent up indignant sexually frustrated buffoon.
That's certainly an original approach by a female critic of Game, is it not?  We've never heard that one before. Meanwhile, Roosh has published a library of books about the vast quantities of women he has banged from the southern tip of Chile to the sunless shores of Iceland.  His mere entry into a country is now greeted with public alarm akin to the sort that the Irish monks once raised when Viking longboats were spotted off the coast. Roissy's capacity for seduction once so concerned a popular female blogger that she showed her daughter his picture and warned her not to speak to any man who even remotely resembled him on the off-chance of an encounter during a visit to his city of residence.

As for me, well, I'm a three-time Billboard top forty recording artist married to a woman who walked away from a prospective career as an international fitness model.  But all of this is beside the point. I merely mention our various socio-sexual successes in order to rub it in Feisty's face that all three of us are not only successful with women, but, as can be seen from her picture, all three of us are successful with women who are more attractive than she is.  She's far from ugly, but she's nothing more than a 7 in her middle thirties who is about to hit The Wall.

Are you familiar with the concept of onomatopoeia?  One might well describe Feisty Woman's behavior here as something similar, as what one might refer to as apandopoeia, or answering the question asked by virtue of one's behavior in the process of asking the question.

So, why do we tend to downgrade the attractiveness of women who are intelligent?  Because women who are intelligent are nearly as prone to lack honor, intellectual integrity, and genuinely intellectual interests as their less intelligent sisters, but due to their pride in their intelligence and their feelings of superiority, they are far more prone to foolishly challenge male intellectual authority in order to validate their self-perceptions and/or get their dominance buzz.  In other words, intelligent women tend to be a massive pain in the ass without providing much to compensate for their disagreeableness.

By way of evidence, let's give Feisty Woman the benefit of the IQ doubt and consider her form of self-identification.  She thinks being "feisty" makes her more attractive.  It doesn't.  Being "feisty" generally detracts from female attractiveness. To the sufficiently experienced man, a woman describing herself in this way is warning him that she is a dominance-seeker; combine that with the postulated above-average intelligence and one can see that by attacking Roosh, Roissy, and me, Feisty Woman is seeking the intellectual domination she is not currently receiving from her current male companion.

The irony is that midwitted Gamma males not only value female intelligence, they fetishize it.  Unfortunately, they simply cannot provide the intellectual dominance that intelligent women crave, as that can only be provided by those possessing both sufficiently high intelligence and socio-sexual dominance, most of whom are men who couldn't possibly care less about the nominal difference between the 132 IQ "Mensa" girl and the 85 IQ "dumb" girl.

It never seems to occur to the +1.5SD crowd that they appear to be even dumber, from the perspective of the +3SD+ crowd, than those of average intelligence do to them. From the position of the highly intelligent male, who outnumbers equally intelligent women something like 12:1, the main difference is that the "smart" girl and the "dumb" girl are both going to say stupid things that are obviously incorrect, the main difference is that the "smart" girl is going to argue and try to defend an obviously incorrect point for hours without admitting that she is wrong, usually while engaging in a long series of intellectually dishonest behaviors.

Which is precisely the sort of behavior Feisty Woman has already exhibited on Twitter.  She asked a question.  She was answered, an answer she could have found by simply perusing this blog as it is a topic I addressed previously.  And yet, she's still babbling and attacking and reinterpreting and insulting and refusing to accept the legitimacy of the answers she was provided.

This behavior tends to illustrate the observable veracity of my answer.  Female intelligence is not a deal-breaker, but neither is it an attractant for most men, least of all highly intelligent men. It is mostly a red flag, which is one reason why intelligent women are statistically more likely to find themselves alone and childless than women of more moderate intelligence.

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