Saturday, August 3, 2013

Just a little blog update and question

As some of you may have noticed there have been very few posts of painted miniatures over the last couple of weeks. The main reason for that is the extreme clammy warmth that we've had here in Sweden which makes it impossible to paint - especially the way my house is situated with sun hitting my windows and wall from 12:00 and onwards. The room becomes a damn oven from the temperature outside, adding to that the temperature from the light bulbs I need during my painting isn’t helping.

It's not that I lack anything to paint as I have a bunch of By Fire & Sword reiters and special characters, 6mm Confederates and some 15mm Early War Poles that I hope to paint before West Wind deliver miniatures from their Requiem Kickstarter (I really look forward to paint the stuff I pledged for!).

The second reason for little painting done is that I have managed to get a lot of gaming with friends this summer. The club down in Lund has been booked two days a week, instead of just being booked on Sunday's so I had to take advantage of that.

I also wonder if you guys want to see more of something specific? I usually document and post everything hobby related as it comes but may (if possible) schedule something specific if it is in demand. Be it an article about one of  the games that I play, painting tutorial or anything else miniature/boardgame related.

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