Sunday, July 24, 2011

Empire of the Dead - Ripper victims + environment pics

All Jack the Ripper victims painted up, those being the last miniatures I had to paint for the Empire of the Dead demo scenario. I hope to play it soon and of course a review of the game mechanics and my impressions of the whole thing will be up here on the blog at the same time. West Wind have not finished the demo scenario yet so I can't tell exactly when, but I think fairly soon, possibly sometime next month at the latest.

I also took some pictures with the EotD project miniatures and some of the terrain I intend to use for the  demo scenario. All models are by West Wind and from the Gothic Horror range - which as far as I know - is undergoing a re-labeling to Empire of the Dead.

Starting this coming week I will begin painting my 54mm miniatures, really looking forward to that. There is also a review of the boardgames Vietnam 1965-1975 and Merchants & Marauders around the corner.

And my visits to the Lead Adventure Forum made me discover a new range of miniatures which will fit in with my pulp/break of the century stuff. So I ordered a couple of dirt cheap models from Ramshackle Games to check out the quality. A review of those will be up once they arrive.

And of course then there is the release of my FoW Polish 1939 campaign for  Blitzkrieg tomorrow, so stay tuned :-)

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