Sunday, July 17, 2011

Wake Up With GTOG: What is a musk deer gland and where can we get some?

By Finesse

If you want a confusing, entertaining, and potentially sad read this Sunday morning, check out this odd story about the North Korean women's soccer team.   We're about a month late to the party on the lightning strike aspect, but we traditionally get our women's soccer news on a west-coast-time plus one month schedule.  Here it is in a nutshell: five members of the team tested positive for steroids which came from a musk deer gland that is from a special deer that lives in Siberia and parts of North Korea and FIFA considers this a banned substance but the team says that it is part of a traditional Chinese medicine and that the only reason the players took it is because of a serious "lightning accident" that occurred last month in which "several players" were seriously injured, an incident that is completely baffling and goes unexplained but is part of a larger theme of mystery surrounding the North Koreans because they also claim that in a maybe-related or maybe-unrelated incident, more than five of their players had to go to the hospital after their match against the U.S. but absolutely no reason is given for that nor proof other than pictures of players getting into ambulances.  Got it?

This is a photograph of the North Korean women's team.
Further research reveals that the lightning may have hit at least five of the players.  You know that old saying: Only in North Korea.

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