Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blood Bowl Orc Lineman

Two things keep plaguing this project. Worn out "very fine detail" brushes which leads to frustration and finding it boring to paint these Orc models. And the severe problem with the matt varnish I won't even mention as I will just sound as a broken record.

Anyway, some of the Orc models are sculpted in a funny way, it looks as if they run around in their underwear or a large diaper. So what I'm going to do is to paint them as if they had some sort of tights, just like on this model.

I will check with the local hobby store for brushes tomorrow, the problem there is that the guy stopped receiving products from the producer of the "Kolinsky-Rotmarder" brushes which are both cheap and really good. I may have to check with the local artstore as well. I hate being out of accurate small tipped brushes, I basically paint all my models with "fine detail"/"very fine detail" sized brushes.

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