Thursday, October 20, 2011

Eyeing the big six-oh

Doesn't have much to do with game shows specifically. But I'm tired of writing about GSN and there's not much other news.

So hail to the CBS Eye logo, about to turn sixty. The fact that I'm turning sixty at almost the same time means that I've been around too long. And maybe American commercial television has also overstayed its welcome. But it doesn't show any signs of going away, so we might as well get used to it.

As most people have, with a vengeance. You might say that TV has been a successful invention. CBS dates back to the ancient radio days, of course, but it didn't neglect the opportunity presented by the box with pictures. Game shows have been along for the CBS ride even longer than the Eye. What's My Line debuted on the network in 1950, the year before the Eye started not blinking at us.

Even today The Price is Right chugs along at CBS, showing few signs of imminent demise. The network has seen the rise, fall, and partial rise again of the genre, and who knows what the next sixty years will bring. I'll only be along for part of that ride. But I'll be watching, as long as I can.

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