Friday, July 15, 2011

Building plank fences 1

I also spent the afternoon yesterday building 5 plank fence sections which can be placed to form some interesting alleys and secluded areas - perfect for Malifaux, Legends of the Old West, Strange Aeons - and perfect hunting ground for Jack the Ripper.

The fence is made out of 3 components. The frame is made out of square flower stick. The round wooden piece adding stability is a BBQ stick and the planks themselves are popsicle sticks which are cheap and perfect for this kind of thing since they are made out of durable material and have perfect width and can be cut into desired length.

About cutting the popsicle sticks, I started sawing them with a small hobby saw, the kind that look like a meat cleaver. But that took forever and holding the sticks in place made my hand ache after an hour’s work. It also went slooooooow. So I went out to the garage and grabbed a chisel and a hammer. I then placed the sticks on a thick piece of wood and chopped the hell out of a 100 sticks. Chopping of the rounded edges (which are perfect to keep for wooden tombstones) and then chopping the sticks in half at irregular lengths.

Once all materials are piled up the assembly of the fences is super fast. About 20-25 minutes per section, simply super glue the planks in place.

I started out the day by painting the sections with a ochre/greyish/dirt color too simply make the  fences look like raw wood that has darkened. As I write this I'm waiting for it all to dry.

The idea was to paint it all with my GW Spray gun, of course I accidently dropped the damn paint jar which shattered on the ground. Luckily I was able to find almost all pieces, and all the important pieces to be able to glue it together. Now the jar looks like shit, but it is water tight and the top section of the jar has enough glass left after gluing it together that I could screw the muzzle piece on without problem. It actually works just like before, but I don't know how long it will hold - does anyone know if the paint jars GW is selling with their "Spray guns" is identical to those used with regular airbrushes if I would buy a spare one?

I will apply posters and such to the fence to make it look a bit more interesting once the paint dries.

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