Thursday, July 14, 2011

Empire of the Dead - Holmes and Watson

My first two figures painted up for Empire of the Dead. They still need a coat of matt varnish and I'm waiting for some additional basing material which will be used on all dedicated Empire of the Dead models. Sherlock Holmes had his hat converted and both models are painted to resemble Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law as they appear in the Sherlock Holmes movie from 2009.

I simply love the Watson sculpt, there are some really strong "character" sculpts in the West Wind Gothic Horror range, like the London Detective I painted with a light blue coat, but the Watson sculpt is an instant favorite. Is it me, or does Holmes face look like Ben Affleck?

Jack the Ripper, London bobbies and some female victim markers are next in line.

I'm currently working on my FoW Polish Early War campaign which picked up speed as I finally came up with a solution on how to write all the battles and operations in a sensible way. Expect an update of that as well soon.

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