Monday, July 11, 2011

Empire of the Dead - humble beginnings (WIP)

Started to trim and assemble some of the demo scenario miniatures today, more will follow soon. As the demo scenario is supposed to revolve around Sherlock Holmes and Watson and the main villain being Jack the Ripper I focused on these 3 and 2 London Bobbies. All models from the West Wind "Gothic Horror" range.

And as I am a fan of the 2009 Sherlock Homes movie I converted the Sherlock figure from having the "classic" interpretation to the hat worn by Robert Downey Jr (casually and a bit to the side). I also plan to paint both Watson and Holmes as they appear in the movie, using these pictures as reference.

I'll start painting these during the week. Hope to have most if not all demo models painted up when the demo scenario arrives.

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