Tuesday, July 5, 2011

GSN number-palooza normal?

Been a while since I did a detailed entry on GSN viewer numbers. Meanwhile Douglas has been busy posting every day.

So I decided to stop being lazy and take a look at a day's worth of stats. Let's review the latest published day, Tuesday June 28.

1) It's back to the future or forward to the past. The day's prime time/total day viewership averages of 364K/257K looked more like first quarter numbers. That was before Improv-a-Ganza and Love Triangle bollixed things up. Ejecting Drew and Wendy from prime time has done wonders, or at least helped some.

2) The top ten were the usual suspects: O'Hurley, Sherri, Jerry, Engvall, Karn. Catch 21 and my long-lost fave Chain Reaction also put in appearances.

3) Drew still hurt late night. The double run at 11:30PM is probably not long for this world's schedule.

4) Engvall Lingo's ridiculous rerun schedule is beyond a joke even by GSN standards, but the show somehow withstood it. Four of the absurd six runs pulled 300K+, and the prime time average certainly benefited.

5) Chuck didn't perform well in the noon hour, but this was an exception to recent trends. In fact, the entire pre-2:00PM schedule looked pretty peaked for some reason. But the network made hay from 2:00PM to 11:30PM with a 336K average for the nine-and-a-half hour window.

6) Best pre-1990 show was Card Sharks at 10:00 AM with 229K. But this fell below recent morning standards.

UPDATE: Couple of funny tweets from BuzzerBlog's Alex Davis, considering the Tuesday numbers...

GSN ratings post-Improv-A-Ganza came out. Lingo isn't doing much better. Week-to-date ratings are just 52K viewers better.

Can the fanboys finally admit that the new version is doing poorly (no fault to Bill Engvall who does fine).

Well, check these numbers...
Tue June 28 8:30 GSN Lingo (Engvall) 356
Tue June 21 8:30 GSN Drew Carey's Improv-a-Ganza 114

Now to give Alex his due, I don't expect Lingo to more than triple Drew's numbers every day. But something had to be done about Improv-a-Ganza destroying the prime time averages. In the June 20-24 week Drew dropped, on average, 35% of Lingo's lead-in at 8:30PM. On a couple days he dropped more than half the lead-in. Of course, this also contributed to Wendy's disaster at 9:00PM.

ONE MORE UPDATE: Engvall copped four of the top ten slots on Wednesday June 29. Yep, Alex, the show is doing awful. In a way, I'm conflicted. I like the new Lingo so I'm happy it's performing so well. But I hate to see GSN rewarded for such obnoxious abuse of a 40-ep run.

Meanwhile, Improv-a-Ganza continues to destroy late night. That 11:30PM double run must go and will go.

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