Friday, July 15, 2011

Priced out of the market

With It's Worth What about to debut, I'll grumble a little about my tepid reaction to pricing game shows. Basically, it stems from my dislike of shopping. Wouldn't you know, the monitor on one of our computers at home just went kablooey. So now I'm gonna have to drive to some store somewhere and look at monitors and prices and buy one of the suckers. Ugh. I got better things to do, like sit around and do nothing.

So when a show wants people to estimate prices for whatever merchandise, I get reminded of shopping. And that's not a good reminder for me. Even if the merchandise is outlandish stuff like a live tiger or a vintage sports car or an Elvis jumpsuit or some of the other strange items promised in the promos for It's Worth What.

This odd quirk of mine also explains why I've never gotten interested in the great-grandaddy of all shopping games...well, you know it, the one with the now skinnier Drew Carey. Hard to believe, but The Price is Right spawns endless yelping on the Internet. Nuclear war regularly threatens to erupt between Drew fans and Bob Barker fans.

Sorry, but I do not care [emphasis in the original]. I hardly even watch the show, much less want to join in a Net holocaust over who hosts the thing better. Just give me a quizzer. Or a word game. I'll even take the silly stunt shows. But you can keep the merchandise.

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