Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Syndies wilt in summer heat

Syndicated game shows started showing the inevitable signs of wear and tear as summer deepened. People got places to go and things to do, and they don't watch as much TV. The bad news from TVNewsCheck for the week ending July 3...

Wheel of Fortune 6.0 - down a couple ticks
Jeopardy 5.0 - down five ticks, a nasty tumble
Family Feud 2.5 - down a tick but still looking pretty good
Millionaire 2.0 - down three ticks, will it slide into the ones?
5th Grader 1.0 - down a tick as it plays out the string
Lyrics 0.9 - flat as the weeks dwindle down

When the guys at TV by the Numbers post the viewership averages, I'll put 'em up.

The latest network and GSN numbers are in the sidebar. Our little game show network hit a rough patch on the Fourth of July (too many cookouts and fireworks) and on the Fifth of July (too much Casey Anthony). But things seemed to have gotten back to normal.

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