Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Blood Bowl Troll for Orc team

After having waited for many months my Blood Bowl Orc team have finally reached the position of being next in line for painting. So I will try to paint up the entire team before I move on to another project, after this model I really only have 9 more models to paint. The troll is from Black Scorpion miniatures and was a mixed bag regarding the way it is sculpted. I really like the front of the model, but the completely scaly back is just weird and feels wrong - add to that the shape of the head that is not scaly but rather formed out of hard angles and the "spine"....

But what is most infuriating is the fact that the weather is now cold and damp making any attempt to matt varnish a miniature in my garage to be in vain. I need to find a decent substitute "brush on" matt varnish that I can use during the 6-7 months when the weather is shit here in Sweden.

Anyway, enough nagging, here is how the model turned out.

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