Friday, October 14, 2011

Slow week

Sorry for the lackluster content over the past few days, had lots of stuff to write for school and just felt very tired. My inspiration to paint has also been undermined by a couple of things. However things are looking better this weekend already.

Got a bunch of interesting stuff in the pipeline, including some additional stuff for Strange Aeons with regard to the upcoming convention during the last weekend of October. Some of the things tied to Strange Aeons is review material so that should be interesting as well.

I also received a copy of the "Deadlands - Rail Wars" rulebook from a user on the Lead Adventure Forum so there will be a few (yes more than one) Old West rulebook reviews shortly which should complement the Legends of the Old West rulebook review.

I was also asked to take a look at a beta rulebook for an upcoming game, apparently the big thing there is that it does not use neither cards or dice to generate results during the game. Should be interesting.

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