Monday, July 4, 2011

Malifaux stat cards review

Received an envelope today which contained a bunch of stat cards for Malifaux that I had ordered together with a friend to split the shipping cost. And these cards are one of the things that made me bitch and moan about the TerraClips terrain have "clip boxes" being sold separately - these cards are superb value for money in comparison.

Now, if you have the Malifaux rulebook you will also have to suffer through pretty extensive errata that not only involves typos, different wordings and changes to the main rules but it will also cover a lot of the core units from the first book (core rulebook). What also happens is that when you buy any of the original Wyrd Miniatures models you get these stat cards with them.

The stat cards released prior to the errata also contained the same typos and were for the most part obsolete after the errata release. However - Wyrd Miniatures were such good sports that they printed up a version 2.0 of the stat cards (which are also now included in all unit blisters and boxed sets) and started a "stat card exchange program" where people could send Wyrd their old cards and get a Version 2.0 of the same sent back - for free!

Beside that Wyrd also sells these stat cards separately, you can buy a stat card for every unit type for each faction and each variation of sculpt that exists. Be it to replace lost cards but primarily to let people who use stand in models get the cards even though they did not get the original models.

Each card is only 50cents/0.5USD, and it contains all the stats for the unit with all the special rules, abilities, spells and whatnot printed on these cards so you don't have to flip through your rulebook each time you use a model (which slows down game play considerably and also inflicts unnecessary wear and tear on the book itself).

So I bought 18 cards to cover all the units I had or would possibly want for the Resurrectionist faction, and my friend bought 30+ cards for his Neverborn. I know we had over 50 cards combined and I was worried there would be a mix-up of cards or that some would be overlooked.

That was not the case, all cards were accounted for - and they were even placed in the same order as they appeared on the receipt (the same order I put them in the store basket). So someone handling this cards obviously have a thought out system of handling orders like ours without messing up.

I don't believe they make any money on these cards, at .50USD / card it has to be more a fan service than a way to earn cash. The print quality of the cards and the stock of the paper is neither cheap nor flimsy.

I can really recommend getting these cards if you use stand in models, both me and my friend only got one of each unit type as our sculpts don't match all the different model versions of each unit printed on the stat cards.

The only problem is that you can only order these cards directly from Wyrd, it would have been more convenient for me to order from Maelstrom Games or any other place in Europe instead. The order took a little over 2 weeks from order to arriving at my house which is fully acceptable. The shipping was 10USD for international shipping, so my 18 cards amounted to 9USD made me ask a friend and split the postage. However if they handle each order in this organized fashion I have no problem ordering from them again.

Now compare all this with the "TerraClip" terrain sets being sold without clips and you may understand me a bit more. On one hand these fantastic stat cards that are dirt cheap - on the other hand what seems to be a way to earn cash on essential components needed to assemble the terrain.

Wyrd are obviously good guys, and I don’t want to end this review on a negative note. So I can only, again, really recommend these stat cards if you use stand in models. Let’s hope this particular service continues in its current state.

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