Saturday, September 17, 2011

Viva Las Vegas!

Hasslefree miniature of Elvis sporting a revolver for protection against the shambling dead of the zombie apocalypse.

Another fun miniature to paint. I wanted the white on his clothes to be "softer" in highlights and tone than usual. So the white is painted:

Basecoat: Dheneb stone
Dheneb stone+Bone White
Bone White
Bone White+Skull white
Skull White
A thin layer of Vallejo matt varnish to tie everything together and give the surface a smooth look.

Actually not that much of a pain in the ass to paint the white, but I guess that I've got used to it after painting my French Indian War stuff.

I googled "Elvis Las Vegas" and found a great picture for reference, so I painted up the miniature accordingly. Black guitar with white details and white clothes with gold details.

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