Saturday, November 5, 2011


It would appear that hypergamy is everywhere:
IT'S not just women who can fake orgasms. Female brown trout do it too, to dupe potential partners into premature ejaculation. The trick may help females avoid mating with undesirable males or attract more partners, biologists suggest.

As courting pairs of brown trout prepare to spawn, both fish quiver violently with their mouths open. Usually eggs and sperm are then released simultaneously, to maximise the chances of fertilisation.

Sometimes, though, the female quivers without releasing her eggs. To investigate this behaviour, Erik Petersson and Torbjörn Järvi of Sweden's National Board of Fisheries watched trout in an aquarium, and found that females faked orgasms in 69 out of 117 couplings.

"The females behave as if they should spawn," says Järvi. "They trick the males into releasing their sperm".
The ruthlessness of the female gender is surprising discovery when one is a BETA. Women are to be programmed to nurture and care for their offspring, and a man's first interaction with women usually involves his mother. This, coupled with ignorance due to a lack of a ALPHA teacher, seems to cause some men to never realize how little woman's instincts care for his feelings. It seems that many men expect women to be as loving as their mothers, without considering the other side of the genetic coin. The attachment to the idea that women are inherently more loving and moral than men keeps many of those men stuck in a constant cycle of confusion regarding why girls act the way they do when they are no longer interested, or were never interested in the first place. This was certainly my experience: female ruthlessness had to be pointed out to me.

An important thing to remember is that those same instincts that drive a woman to nurture and protect her offspring even to the cost of her life come from the same place as ruthless hypergamy. Protecting her offspring does not start after they are born, it includes protecting them from weak genes. And if those instincts care little for a woman's life in favor of her offspring's, imagine how little those instincts care about rejecting lonely BETA after lonely BETA.

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