Monday, November 7, 2011

Don't work, just kill

Post-Qaddafi Libya shines a light on the principles of Game:
"Before, I was not even daring to look at girls as wife material, because I knew I could not afford" to get married, say Faqiar now.

These days, though, Faqiar wears the mismatched camouflage of Libya's rebels and a dashing bandana on his head, pirate-style. He carries a gun. He is a veteran of battles for Libyans' freedom from Qaddafi's regime -- and it's the women who are talking to him.... Jokes passed by cell phone text messages across Libya confirm the newfound eligibility of the young civilians turned fighters.

"Forget doctors and engineers: We want to marry a rebel," one of the widely circulated text messages goes. "Looking for a rebel to wed?" another SMS asks: "Press 'M' for a husband from Misrata, 'B' for a husband from Benghazi..."
This tends to confirms the Roissyan observation that the sexual liberation of women is intrinsically contra-civilizational; the economic and societal decline of the West is not merely happenstance. What young man will ever aspire to be a builder when it is the destroyers who are deemed much more attractive to young women?

This may be a terribly bitter pill to swallow for sexually liberated women and the ALPHAS who are happy to help them explore the full extent of that liberation, but an instinctive denial of observable reality is no basis for rational analysis. Cocaine feels pretty damn good too, but that doesn't mean walking around feeling as if you could wrestle a tiger all the time is conducive to leading a sustainably functional lifestyle.

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