I got some of the weirdest comments I have ever gotten, and I thought you all needed to see them for their pure entertainment value.
It started at an entry I posted back in April with a video featuring the cripple fight from South Park juxtaposed with the fight scene from They Live.
At 1/30/2009 04:01:00 PM, Anonymous JEsus man with the plan added...
the little man liked to poop and jesus ate a whole lot of midgets. little black midgets to be exact, jewish too. damn him DAMN HIM!
And then they mosied into the Alvin and the Chipmunks do Punk entry and left this gem:
At 1/30/2009 04:02:00 PM, Anonymous the crack head added...
damnit lil chipmunks need to rock dat shiz. they needs some lil poeple over their shoulders and some spikey shit
And then a few minutes later, they hit my post about Provocative Blogging Questions with the following:
At 1/30/2009 04:05:00 PM, Anonymous the crazy dude with a beard added...
god damnit! the son of a bitch turned into a crazy purple giraffe. and the fucking blue money is dancing. OOOOOOO SHIT! my friend just turned into a yellow JAG MAN!!!!!!
And then they finally seemed to have hit the wall at the Jones Soda entry with this masterpiece:
At 1/30/2009 04:07:00 PM, Anonymous pimpin dawg added...
its true i drank that shit and my stomach blew up. now i gotta spend my life mopping up blood and food i lose when i eat. fuck them all. i cant even crap anymore. its bull shit. my finger just fell off and my eye fell out great
No links... no ads for anything... just pure random weirdness. I kind of liked it truth be told.