Monday, June 20, 2011

Emmy schmemmy

Last night’s Daytime Emmys crashed pretty hard in the ratings. I won’t pretend that I’m broken-hearted because I never watch show biz award shows. And I didn’t make an exception last night just because Pat and Alex got honored for their lifetimes.

Nothing against Messrs. Sajak and Trebek. They’ve had very nice lifetimes in our little genre. But there’s only so much self-congratulation I can handle.

The general drift in the limited media comment on the Emmys seems to be regret for the fading soaps. If I had ever been a soap fan, maybe I could sympathize. But again, the decline of the sudsers means little to me, except as a reminder that nothing lasts forever.

Bottom line, would I enjoy Cash Cab any less if Ben Bailey had lost to Meredith Vieira? The rhetorical question answers itself. So why bother with a fading kudofest?

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