Thursday, June 23, 2011

GSN schedule conniptions

Some strange things happen with the GSN schedule next week. I offer truly profound thoughts on the GSN boards...

Other poster: 8:30PM Improv-a-Ganza has been given to Lingo, giving Engvall an outrageous 6 airings per day. 9:00PM Love Triangle is gone, and 1 vs 100 (Inaba) replaces it. That's right - 1 vs 100 is back in Primetime. Could this be a test to see how good it performs in primetime reruns for a possible renewal?

A double-run of Improv-a-Ganza at 11:30PM and midnight? Weird. The show usually stinks in late night. Now it will stink twice as bad. Wendy gets cut to one run a day, which probably means she's gone sooner rather than later. I really think Drew is gone, too, but the show is much more expensive so GSN has to run it for a while longer to amortize the costs. Getting shoved to the fringes of the schedule doesn't bode well, though.

The Lingo six-a-day is just ridiculous, but the show has held up to the five-a-day. I have to think that some kind of acquisition is in the works to take some of the pressure off Engvall and company. I dunno about a 1 vs. 100 renewal. I doubt it would work without Saget. But with Saget GSN might have a winner.

Just for good measure GSN also runs Engvall through two-hour marathons at 6:00PM Saturday and 9:00PM Sunday. Stop the brutality!

UPDATE: The rationale for the schedule changes hits you right between the eyes when you look at the June 16 numbers just posted by Douglas. At 8:30PM Improv-a-Ganza wastes half its lead-in from Lingo, and Love Triangle is a complete embarrassment at 9:00PM. Those shows had to go to stop the bleeding in GSN's prime time average. But Drew's new double run at 11:30PM still looks like an approaching disaster. Can either Drew or Wendy last much longer on GSN?

And it's an old story, but Richard Karn's Family Feud pulls 500K+ numbers in the 4:00PM hour, doubling its lead-in and GSN's total day average. How many networks get their biggest audience in the middle of the afternoon?

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