Thursday, June 16, 2011

Strange Aeons important news

Copy pasted message from "Lidless Eye" over at the Strange Aeons subforum of LAF.
"As those in Canada will already be aware, Canada Post has been in the throes of an ongoing labour dispute for several weeks.  While this started as a series of rolling strikes, which only affected us directly for one day, it has now escalated into a full service shutdown.  We'll therefore be unable to ship any orders out until the situation is resolved.  For those who placed orders recently, orders from last week will likely have escaped the country prior to the service stoppage, so only customers from the last few days should be affected.  Obviously for those in Canada, you have a wait ahead of you.

If there's something you really, desperately need, we can look into an alternative shipping option, but be aware that the price tag for international courier service could cause cardiac distress.  In addition, companies like FedEx and UPS will often ding you again with "brokerage" fees to clear your package through customs - this is over and above whatever government fees/taxes you would normally encounter.  Still, if there's something you just gotta have, let us know and we'll see what we can do.

While I hate to keep saying it: we do apologize for the inconvenience, but the situation is completely out of our control.  All we can do is hope it will be resolved quickly

So unless you pre-ordered there will be problems getting stuff straight from Uncle Mikes until the strike blows over.

If you live in Sweden then I checked with today as I picked up my own order of Shocking Tales vol.2 and they have 8 copies of the main rulebook and 6 copies each of Shocking Tales Vol.1 and Vol.2.  They also have a bunch of the resin models, though I didn't check their inventory in that regard.


Just got home with my order so when I've read the new book there will be a review of the contents here on my blog sometime next week.

And if you have the Strange Aeons rules there are two documents with counters for the game released just recently. You can get them over at the Lead Adventure Forum in this thread:


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