Friday, June 24, 2011

Incursion - Panzeraffe

This isn’t Donkey Kong. This gorilla has bionic implants and sports a heavy machine gun. knocking out teeth with its fist if you get close enough. After having painted 15mm models for quite a while I picked the largest 28mm model I had and painted it up yesterday as a change of pace.

The coming days you will see the new Incursion  SNAFU range painted up and posted on this blog. So buckle in for some Weid War 2 madness.

The Panzeraffe painted up for Grindhouse Games looks absolutely fantastic, though I found it to be way to clean for a dirty blood crazed primate. So I painted mine darker and covered in dirt and blood, even attempted to paint sweat patches in the armpits, along the backbone and around the neck and belly. I also wanted the weapon to look sooty and dirty as well and at the same time toned down so the main focus would be on the gorilla. Finally I wanted this to be an old "silverback" so I painted it more white/grey on the skull, back and shoulders.

The model itself was easy and quite fun to paint, don't know if it had something to do with a change of pace and size of the model - but I painted it up in a couple of hours during one sit so nothing complicated. I can see this model being used for lots of games beside Incursion, it's such a great and intimidating model.

Can’t wait to have all new miniatures painted up so I can replay the missions of SNAFU with the actual models instead of stand proxies.

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