Friday, June 17, 2011

Filthy lucre

What's a game show blogger worth? Less than a pitcher of warm spit. Consider me, for instance.

What's a game show host worth? Well, it depends. The linked story lists this financial pecking order: Alex, a tie between Pat and Drew, and then everybody else way behind. The reporter guesstimates that Trebek pulls down $10 million a year, and Sajak and Carey $8 million. After that he gives up.

Hm, seems a little odd that the lower-rated of the twin towers would have the higher host salary. But Alex doesn't have a female co-host splitting the largesse. I certainly don't begrudge these gentlemen their compensation. Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy and The Price is Right all reportedly print money for their happy owners. So the hosts deserve a nice cut.

Maybe Ken Jennings might squawk a little, though. He only got $2.5 million for his winning streak. Alex makes four times that in a year for just reading the questions, er, answers. Halfway seriously, I always thought Wheel of Fortune could afford a little more money for the contestants. There are too many picayune $300 slots on that wheel.

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