Sunday, January 22, 2012

No taming the tigress

Game has its limits. If a woman is a confirmed drama-addicted maneater, it is almost always best to keep a safe distance, regardless of whether you are the Alphiest Alpha or a white-knighting Gamma.
The “dramatic,” like other sociopaths, provides glimmers of past abuses in past relationships, which really is bragging about past bad behaviors and promises of new ones yet to come. Men drawn to these women ignore those warnings, and think they have the power to change such women. Clearly, the problem exists on both sides of the gender divide, but the sexual behavior of male sociopaths is another story.

Such a woman subtly displays her sexuality in a way that is more understood by women than by men. She wants to walk into a room to dominate the other women, telling them by her presence that their men are theirs only as long as the “dramatic” decides not to take them. Sexuality is not to be ostentatiously displayed, but to be conveyed in subtle and tasteful elegance. The kind of woman says, “I dress to attract the attention of other women and to dominate them. I let them know their men are mine for the taking. The men, of course, will look at me, but the women will look at me and hate me. I thrive on it!”
Game doesn't work well on female sociopaths for the same reason it doesn't work well on rocks or fish. Their motivations and processes are outside the normal range of human behavior, so they simply aren't going to conform to the usual patterns well and their actions tend to be erratic and unpredictable. No amount of Game or even Hand is going to help here, because the very stability that Game and sexual dominance pleases a neurotypical woman is exactly what the sociopath instinctively seeks to escape.

It's not the outcome, but the specific form of the disaster that will tend to vary depending upon one's socio-sexual rank. While Gammas and Betas will simply be used, chewed up, and spit out without a moment's hesitation by the sociopathic woman they so nobly and self-sacrificially want to help, the higher-ranked men arguably have it worse. They're the ones who end up getting stalked, whose bunnies get boiled, and whose houses are set alight.

I strongly recommend not getting involved in any way with a woman who talks openly about how badly she was abused by a previous man, especially not if it appears to be a pattern with her, or as the author of the linked article suggests, if it is a point of pride for her. Solipsism is one thing, but cranking it up to eleven by removing even the most vestigial conscience is something altogether more dangerous. Even the most hardened practitioner of Dark Game simply isn't up to the task of dealing with woman of this sort; it's like taking a knife to an exchange of intercontinental ballistic missiles.

There is no cure for crazy.

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