Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ego and the appeal of N

Trish, a commenter at Susan Walsh's, doesn't understand that the consequences of ego don't apply in the same manner across the sexual divide:
Maybe we just don’t like [male] sluts for the same reason men don’t, which can be attributed to “ego” as well. Why is that so hard for some people to comprehend?
"There are four reasons. First, women are notoriously bad at understanding and communicating why they do what they do. Second, because women very much like sexually experienced men, so much so that they observably harbor a vast preference for them over sexually inexperienced men. Women outright mock men who "can't get laid", so much so that they regularly resort to such insults even in cases where it manifestly doesn't apply. If a woman is calling a man "a slut" or some similar term normally directed at women, she is usually revealing an amount of jealousy as well as her own willingness to have sex with him.

Third, it isn't true. Any veteran player with strong Game can easily seduce a woman who vows up and down that she isn't attracted to the amusingly mislabled "man-slut", so long as she isn't religious, in which case she will present a more serious challenge. Note that I didn't only say such a man can do so, but that he can easily do so, and in many cases, probably has on more than one occasion.

Fourth, it is true that a woman with a high N is a slut. Period. However, the comparable male figure is not a high-N man, but rather a high-N man with an N that primarily consists of women significantly lower in SMV-rank than himself. Due to the way in which women compete amongst themselves and rank themselves vis-a-vis each other, a man whose high N is comprised of high-SMV women tends to cause a woman to think that if she attracts his attention, she too must possess a similarly high-SMV. Men, on the other hand, don't much care if you were with Brad Pitt or Joe Doorknob the unemployed plumber, because it doesn't boost their ego or their own perceived value. This means that whereas ego tends to works against male attraction, it usually works to build female attraction.

Women can snowflake all they like, of course, but they're never going to convince anyone who has seen numerous women declaring that they could never be attracted to a "man-whore" eventually succumbing to the charms of a skilled player. Women often tend to forget that because sex with SMV peers and even SMV superiors is always on offer to them, this is absolutely not true of men. That is why the slut with 30+ notches is seldom in any way comparable in terms of desirability to the opposite sex as the player with 60+.

Or, to put it in simpler terms, one can simply refer to the old bad lock vs master key analogy.

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