Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Christianity of Game

I've previously insisted that Game and Christianity are not incompatible. I'm now going to go one step further and insist that, like science, it can be reasonably argued that the conceptual foundation of Game is actually dependent upon a fundamentally Christian worldview.

Consider the history of science. Although the concept of experimentation has been around since the first men discovered that the secret was, in the immortal words of The Newscaster, "to bang the rocks together, guys", it wasn't until the idea of an ordered universe subject to Natural Law imposed by a rational Creator had been widely adopted as the dominant intellectual paradigm that science, as a coherent concept and practice, was formulated. For all that some would pretend they are opposed, without Christianity, science in its presently understood form would not exist. It is not happenstance that science never developed in other religious cultures, even more technologically advanced ones such as China.

So, what is the most significant core concept of Game? I would argue that it is the immutably fallible nature of woman. If there is one concept that must be grokked in full by the would-be practitioner of Game, it is this. And for all that it is usually cloaked in the meaningless mumbo-jumbo of evo-psych, this is an intrinsically Christian concept, which insists a) all are fallen, b) male and female natures are fundamentally different, and c) Man is not materially perfectible. Progressive and secular science tells us that all states are mutable and all beings are perfectible. Humanism declares that reason is supreme. Marxism tells us that all consciousness is liable to modification. Buddhism insists that all such states are illusion. Islam is more compatible with the notion of female fallibility, but its severe fatalism is intrinsically anti-Game.

Only Christianity describes female nature in a manner that is entirely consistent with Game. Regardless of whether one considers hypergamy, the willingness to share Alphas, shit-testing, or pretty much any aspect of Game as explicated by its best theoreticians and practitioners, one can find a Christian conceptual antecedent for it. This does not mean that all the uses to which Game can be applied are consistent with Christian teaching anymore than the Christan belief in demons means that demon-worship is an aspect of proper Christian living. But at its core, Game is not merely compatible with Christianity, it is an articulation of some very fundamental Christian principles.

It may be vulgar to state that all women are possessed of a hypergamous and sluttish nature that they can only surmount, with varying degrees of success, by virtue of their willpower, but it is not at all incompatible with two thousand years of Christian philosophy.

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