Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Syndies: Wheel slips, Millionaire gains

Not a whole lot of movement for syndicated game shows in the week of February 13-19. But there were a few notable changes, as TVNewsCheck reports...

Wheel of Fortune 7.4 - down three ticks but still leads all syndies for the week
Jeopardy 6.4 - flat
Family Feud 3.2 - flat
Millionaire 2.7 - up a tick to tie season high

TV by the Numbers unleashes its top 25 syndie list in a hurry. The viewership averages: Wheel of Fortune 11.9 million (weekend repeat 5.9 million), Jeopardy 10.0 million, Family Feud 4.7 million, Millionaire 3.8 million. After weeks of just missing, Meredith finally made the list!

Sure, the demos may skew ancient. But these total viewer numbers look really good compared to a lot of broadcast prime time shows.

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