Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How Not to Steal a Movie Concept

I read an interesting bit of Hollywood dirt yesterday, something which was likely common knowledge for a lot of people, but which I didn't know.

It seems that the special effects firm working on Battle: Los Angeles, which is about a group of aliens attacking that city, also decided to make a movie of their own.

That other movie happens to be Skyline which just came out, which is about aliens attacking Los Angeles. Hmmm. Interesting.

This leads me to a question: if you were a producer, would you hire an effects firm that clearly took your ideas and equipment to make a competing movie that could potentially damage your film's reception. I certainly wouldn't.

Given the box office returns for Skyline, it looks like this was really a case of career suicide for everyone involved. And I am sure Sony, the studio behind Battle: Los Angeles will be pursuing every legal option they have in their arsenal against this firm as well.

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