Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mr. Foxworthy

GSN's upfront plate of reality stew mostly got yawns from the entertainment media. They've seen piles of reality detritus before, after all. But one show is attracting a little attention. GSN's Bible quizzer pilot with Jeff Foxworthy actually made a few pundits notice our (supposed) game show network.

Predictable snark popped from predictable sources. A Washington Post bloggeress can't wait for the "stoning-of-adulteresses question." I'd be more interested in the stoning of Beltway bloggeresses, but that's a detail.

Enough of my biases, though. Jeff Foxworthy seems like a natural for any GSN show right now. He's the network's new star, regularly scoring GSN's best numbers with 5th Grader on Sunday nights. And he's a traditionalist sort with a squeaky clean image.

I was a little afraid that he might try to make 5th Grader into the Jeff Foxworthy Standup Act (see Feud, Harvey). And sure enough, he couldn't resist a quip or three as the show's not-breakneck pace unfolded. But by and large he let the game breathe and the contestants be the stars. I'm honestly interested in seeing if he can get the Bible quizzer on the air.

UPDATE: A political pundit rips the WaPo bloggeress. Is the Bible quizzer going, gasp, viral? GSN will take the free publicity.

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