Friday, June 15, 2012

Back from the dead?

A faux tweet noted that the rumors of Family Game Night's death were greatly exaggerated. BuzzerBlog's Alex Davis and I discuss on the GSN Internet board...

Never could find any confirmation for Alex Davis' report of the show's demise. Hub always listed Family Game Night as renewed in its press releases for the 2012-13 season. I should have believed the network instead of Alex. Here's the casting call for season three, by the way.

Alex Davis: For whatever it's worth this was a last minute decision. I had it confirmed it was a goner. I was sent an email from a source on April 14th saying Hasbro went back and were, "attempts underway to save the show from a lot of different angles," and "Right now, nothing is certain either way." I was asked to keep quiet about it, though.

And it wasn't just me. Announcer Randy West, who is awfully reliable about this stuff as everyone knows, said just about three weeks ago, "While I don't know of any formal announcement, sadly, it appears that FGN will not be back, following a season that earned its host Todd Newton another well-deserved Emmy nomination." So again, sorry for the confusion, but this was confirmed to be cancelled but Hasbro found a way to bring it back and make it work. Not sure what the situation was which caused it to be cancelled (I'm going to guess budget), but it seems to be resolved.

Never saw anything public from named sources at the network or the show to confirm the cancellation. Sure, Hub's a tiny niche network that makes GSN look like a giant. But Family Game Night is one of Hub's flagship shows, with plum timeslots on Friday and Sunday nights.

Seems that something would have broken publicly from named and verifiable sources if the show was really axed at any point, especially after Hub's public announcement of the show's renewal. Without knowing the anonymous sources involved in the rumor, it's impossible to say if the show was ever really in danger.

UPDATE: Checked Alex Davis' Twitter feed for a change. I usually pass it by lately because it's full of non-game-show stuff. But he did call me a naughty name. Nice to know I'm getting his attention!

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