Thursday, February 2, 2012

By Fire & Sword: cossack style cavalry box review

Moving on to the next boxed set, the Polish cossack style cavalry. These guys make up the bulk of any cavalry regiment and will most likely be the most numerous company type on the battlefield when playing the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth.

The box looks identical to the previously reviewed Polish Dragoons box, and the inside is also identical. Horses in one zip bag, riders in another and bases/flagpoles in a third. The horses are completely different sculpts from the Dragoons, but these are more dynamic / look like they move at a faster pace.

There is a great variation in riders, this formation was quite irregular so it is nice to see a real mix and match of equipment and clothes. I counted at 8 different sculpts including the commanders and banner men. Taking into account that you get 6 stands of cavalry, and each company is made up of 3 stands you do get a very nice mix of riders in each company.

Like any other boxed set or blister this one came with a sheet of flags. I really like this feature, getting both banner poles/lances and flags. It's annoying when you have to get those kind of things on the side.

One thing I should mention, which has already been touched upon, the contents of these boxes make complete units / companies. Most companies in this game are made up of 2-3 stands. You can  form multiple companies into  squadrons to get larger units . Cavalry squadrons can be made up of a maximum of 6 bases, while infantry 12 bases. So pretty much all cavalry boxes give you 2 companies/1 maxed out squadron.

Check in again tomorrow to see how a painted up company of these guys looks like.

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