Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Aspie drama queen

If you want to know why men often react by rolling their eyes when women start babbling about how they have suffered domestic violence, Penelope Trunk offers a perfect example illustrating why:
I am at a hotel. I think I'm dying. I have a bruise from where the Farmer slammed me into our bed post. I took the kids and went to a hotel so I could have time to think. I think I need to move into a hotel for a month. The Farmer told me that he will not beat me up any more if I do not make him stay up late talking to me.

If you asked him why he is still being violent to me, he would tell you that I’m impossible to live with. That I never stop talking. That I never leave him alone. How he can’t get any peace and quiet in his own house. That’s what he’d tell you.

And he’d tell you that I should be medicated.
He's right. I suffered worse "violence" playing indoor soccer last week. It was nine days ago and you can still see the mark on my knee. Being shoved isn't violence, it isn't getting beat up, and it is an insult to every man and woman who have suffered real violence to claim that it is. Is it nice? No. Is it polite? No. Is it indicative of problems in a relationship? Quite possibly. But only a mentally deranged woman would conclude it justifies calling the police and running off with the children.

Especially when she admits that the husband describes her as "emotionally abusive". The fact that she has put all of this out there on her blog tends to prove his case. I'd read Trunk a few times when other people linked to her and wondered why people put such stock in the opinions of an obvious nutcase. But perhaps she'll be able to find a new crowd writing victim porn for Jezebel.

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