Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tomatoes and Ninjas and Kitsch, Oh My

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes is one of those true kitsch/crap classics that I thought would never be remade. Endlessly sequelled? Yes. That is a given.

But it seems that it may indeed be remade. And you know me, I am one of those endlessly dour people when it comes to remakes, but in this rare case, I may be willing to make an exception.

You see, the people behind the push to remake Attack of the Killer Tomatoes are the same dudes behind Ask a Ninja, so in this case, I think they get it. They know what Killer Tomatoes is supposed to be, and I think that for once, they can do the premise justice.

I mean, considering some of the horrifyingly bad remakes there have been, it warms my heart to think that a comedic gem could be reborn here. I just hope there is at least a cameo for John Astin. That's all I ask.

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