Monday, April 28, 2008

Culture Kills is 2 years old

Can you believe that Culture Kills is two today? And it all started with a post about moving into these digs. And here we are over 850 posts later(which by my estimates puts my posting frequency at just under 8 per week). And what a journey it has been.

Pop Culture is a cruel mistress, and she has beaten my ass red over the past 104 weeks. But even though I've been bloodied in the battle, I've kept coming back and fighting back against her, and I've gotten in a few good shots at her as well, and I am committed to going the distance. I've got a good cutman, and she's got a great board certified plastic surgeon, so it will be a long fight.

And I think I stretched that metaphor a little too far, but it was fun just rolling through that.

But reaching one year is a statistical anomaly in many ways, but reaching two years, well, that is really something, and something worth celebrating. With so many blogs starting and ending over this same period, it almost feels like Culture Kills started out as a maple seedling 2 years ago and is now a sapling that has made a rugged foothold in the earth.

There have been some monumental moments over the past year, such as having my entry criticizing Jodie Foster about her admittedly ignorant stance on Sin City featured on the IMDB front page, or seeing a Transmundanity Award winner get rocketed through the stratosphere for a few weeks, and I can't forget the Blogger Burnout Advisory System. That is certainly a keeper.

And there was the redesign, which I am still getting accustomed to. I know it shouldn't have hit me so hard, but I miss the plaid... but it is better this way. Sometimes you have to change direction slightly to keep things interesting.

Last year around the first anniversary of Culture Kills, I wrote a post that analyzed my early predictions for this blog, so I won't really rehash what was said there. Suffice it to say, I've think that things have been proceeding quite well since last April, though they could always be better.

I guess this blog had to reach the terrible twos eventually, which means now I sort of have license to start being more of a little bastard. And perhaps things will start picking up around here again... I was shocked to see that I had 3 Transmundanity Awards amongst my last 10 posts, and that isn't right at all. I have a few ideas for posts brewin' on the back burner, so there should be more original content soon. (I know, I know... promises, promises.)

And once again, I have to thank you, my readers, for contributing to the overall community around here. Blogging is an interactive form of writing, and without you showing your support and providing your own unique point of view to the conversation, well, I'd largely be talking to myself. So thanks for your support.

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