Friday, June 13, 2008

Mark Wahlberg expresses opinion...

I was reminded of the old adage, those who live in Glass Houses, shouldn't throw stones when I read some of Mark Wahlberg's comments today.

He was approached to play Linus Caldwell in Ocean's Eleven, and he turned it down, which is his prerogative.

However, now he has decided to diss the whole thing seven years after the fact: "It was well worth it! The second one sucked! People tell George Clooney it's great, but we all know it sucked. I made two bad movies instead - Planet of the Apes and The Truth About Charlie - but doing that was better than sitting with Brad and George, telling the press how great everybody is: 'We were in Europe, George was funny, then we had some wine...- that's not for me. I do love those guys, but I had to step out on my own."

Now correct me if I am wrong here, but after he turned that part down, didn't he only have one really good movie, The Departed. And I know that Matt Damon took that role that you turned down, and if I remember correctly, he did have a part in that same good movie. Wait, didn't he have a bigger part than you did? Hmmm...

...and didn't he also end up getting a life changing role in a series of action movies as an iconic character just after he appeared in Ocean's Eleven? I think he did. Hmmm... interesting how that works out. He turned down a movie role which he now claims sucked, and the person who took it not only ended up with a wonderful windfall from the situation, but ended up taking a bigger part than the complainant in that one great movie since that time.

I bet it just eats him up inside. Especially given the reviews that The Happening is getting.

My advice to Mark Wahlberg is simple: Get OVER yourself.

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