Monday, November 26, 2012

Post it

Sharp-eyed readers might notice that I've added a couple links to the blogroll. They're Internet boards for Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy, called Buy a Vowel and J!

The boards are unofficial, so the comments can be sharpish at times. But the two most-watched game shows in the country deserve a couple links on this little blog. 

The boards offer extensive summaries and reviews of every episode, in sometimes numbing detail. Seems like each dollar of prize money and each bit of gameplay receives an excruciating examination. Even the contestant interviews get a going-over. "Alex: Whoa, wait a minute. Does that mean you disrobe a lot? Amanda: Yes. Alex: Oh. Where is your next performance?"

We'll leave it at that with contestant Amanda, who unfortunately lost. Enjoy the boards.

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