A fair bit of information about the Polish armored trains (some of this was touched upon in the FoW:Blitzkrieg book but it might be interesting to get a more detailed description).
Poland had 10 trains, divided into two groups, with trains numbering 51-55 in the northern sector and trains numbering 11-15 in the Southern sector.
Nr. 11 "Danuta"
Nr. 12 "Poznańczyk"
Nr. 13 "Generał Sosnkowski"
Nr. 14 "Paderewski"
Nr. 15 "Śmierć" (Light armored train)
Nr. 51 "Pierwszy Marszałek"
Nr. 52 "Piłsudczyk"
Nr. 53 "Śmiały"
Nr. 54 "Groźny"
Nr. 55 "Bartosz Głowacki" (Light armored train)
Serving in the defense of Poland there were also a few improvised armored trains.
2 trains used for training
2 improvised trains serving the Warsaw defense
2 improvised trains serving the coastal defense

All such trains also had an auxiliary train or "quartermasters section". These trains had a kitchen, workshop, ambulance coach, water and coal supplies and two trucks and a couple of motorcycles for repair patrols. These auxiliary trains were unarmored and their total length was somewhere around 250meters.
Ti3 Locomotives

In 1918-24 period Poland used more than 100 armored trains, which used a variety of armored locomotives. After the war with Soviet Russia had ended in 1921, it was decided to keep only

The Ti3 armored locomotive, old camouflage scheme. Ten armored locomotives series Ti3 were used in 1939 in combat in Polish regular armored trains. Most likely further two were used in Polish training armored trains, "Zagończyk" and "Stefan

The locomotive and the tender were fully armored - the armor thickness was 8 - 20mm, its weight was about 13t. It protected

Assault car

The wagon's length was 11.6 m, width: 3.15 m, height (without

Artillery car

The 75mm wz. 02/26 gun details were: maximum range - 10,700 m; shell weight - 5.3-8 kg; barrel length - L/30; maximum rate of fire - 10 rds/min; crew - 6 or 7; maximum elevation - 11°.
Other armament consisted of 8 x 7.92mm wz. 08 (Maxim) machine guns in wagon's sides and ends. In the early thirties, one 7.92mm wz. 08 anti-aircraft machine gun was added with a small turret on the roof (its maximum elevation was 90°). The ammunition was 3,750 rounds per MG (in 250-round belts).
The armor was made of double layered armor plates. The thickness varied from 12mm to 25mm (the floor was 5 - 8mm). The inside walls of the wagons were probably covered with oak planks. The wagon had one entrance with a two-leaf door on each side. It also had two hatches in both ends, which enabled the crew to pass from one wagon to another (in practice only between one artillery wagon and the assault wagon) - the open doors provided protection from enemy fire.
The wagon's length was 17.20 m (677 in), height - about 4.1 m (161 in). The bogie wheelbase was about 2 m (79 in) and the distance between the inner axles was about 8 m (314 in). The total weight was about 50 t, and the crew - about 35.
Col. T. Kossakowski from Engineer Department came up with an idea to adapt old tank Renault FT-17 to an armored draisine role, by mounting it upon a special rail chassis. The main advantage of this revolutionary idea was, that the tank was driving the whole rail unit, and was still able to ride off of its rail chassis, and be used on the ground. The first prototype, built in 1932, was not entirely successful. The draisine wheels were driven by the tank's tracks, through special rollers and transmission. It could achieve a noteworthy speed of 38 km/h (23.6 mph), however.
In the next prototype of 1933, the wheels were driven directly by the tank's engine, using a special drive shaft. During trials, it exceeded a speed of 45 km/h (28 mph), almost unbelievable for FT-17 tank (no doubt, that the FT-17 tank never suspected, that it would ever run so quick). This prototype was accepted, and in January 1938 the first series of 18 rail chassises, manufactured in Chrzanów, were given to both Armored Trains Units. In fact, it was probably the best usage of obsolete, extremely slow FT-17 tanks, and a cheap way of obtaining armored draisines. Until 1939 there were 38 rail chassises produced. Each armored train mobilized in 1939 (apart from nr.15) had two such vehicles.
The light tank Renault FT-17 on the rail chassis was designated: medium rail-and-ground armored draisine R ("R" for Renault). The tank could ride on rails as a rail vehicle, or leave the rail chassis on a track and operate as a regular tank. The FT-17 tanks used as a draisines were modified by fitting a special drive shaft, coming from a gearbox. After the tank rode onto the rail chassis, the crew was connecting the drive shaft to the chassis' drive gear. A whole operation of mounting the tank on rails was taking up to about 3 minutes. Dismounting the tank and riding off of the rail chassis was taking less than 3 minutes.
A rear axle of chassis was driven by the tank's engine. Top speed on rails was 45 km/h, in late series even 55-57 km/h (28 / 34-35 mph). The chassis had a reverse mechanism in its driving gear, so the draisine could ride backwards with the same speed. Thanks to buffers and coupling in front of the chassis, it could also tow some wagon.
Camouflage painting
Since about 1936, Polish armored trains were painted in a standard three-color camouflage for armored vehicles, consisting of irregular sprayed grey-sand, dark brown and brown-green patches. The base color was brown-green.
Before 1936 the older scheme was used: the patches of light yellow-sand, dark brown and dark green were separated with black stripes. In the twenties also some other schemes were used, e.g. four-color pattern with sharp patches of light grey, dark grey , green and brown; or grey only scheme.
Source for the above is this excellent site right here which I also used to some extent when writing my September Campaign PDF: http://derela.republika.pl/armcarpl.htm
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